Welcome to your new account with 34SP.com. This page will remain here until you delete it or overwrite with your own index.html file.
Before you do so, you may wish to read through this page and make notes of the relevant features and elements of your account.
Good luck with your site - The 34SP.com team
Uploading your site could not be simpler. You can either use an FTP program or FrontPage. Please do NOT use both ( this can cause accounts to become corrupted).
If you choose to upload using an FTP program you should use the following details:
Address / Host ftp.hesp.co.uk
Username your account username
Password your account password
Once you have started your FTP session, you must upload your files to the httpdocs folder.
To manage your web sites configuration we provide you with a web based control panel.
In addition to checking your mail offline, you can also check it online!
Every 34SP.com account comes with the popular web mail system - IMP. This allows you to read your mail from any computer connected to the Internet. To access this you simply need to visit: